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Dignity and Respect


This policy sets out the practice provision to ensure that patients are afforded privacy and dignity, and are treated respectfully.

The requirement to respect patients is the responsibility of all staff, not just those in direct clinical contact with the patient.

Vulnerable patients in this respect may include:

  • The elderly.
  • The infirm.
  • Patients with disablilites.
  • Those with racial or cultural beliefs.
  • The illiterate.
  • Patients who are homeless or with no fixed abode.
  • Those with specific conditions.
  • Patients with communication difficulties.
  • Those patients with gender requirements.
  • Those known to staff / known by staff.
  • Family members.
  • Patients from minority groups.



  • The practice will not stereotype patients based on perceived characteristics.
  • Patients will be referred to with respect even in private discussions in the surgery.
  • Patients will be addressed by their preferred method and titles (Mr, Mrs etc).
  • A sign will be available in reception to offer the facility of a private discussion with a receptionist if required.
  • Guide dogs will be permitted in all parts of the building. See guide dogs policy [*]
  • A hearing loop is available and receptionists will be trained in its use annually.
  • Under no circumstances will staff enter through a closed consultation room / treatment room door without first knocking and waiting for permission to enter, or pausing to determine that the room is empty.


  • Patients are able to request an appointment with a chosen clinician and will be able to delay an appointment to see their clinician of choice. While clinically urgent patients will be encouraged to see a clinician appropriate for their “best care,” the patient’s wishes will be respected.
  • Consultations will not be interrupted unless there is an emergency, in which case the clinician will initially be sent a message, then telephoned and finally a staff member will knock at their door and await specific permission from the clinician to enter.
  • A chaperone will be offered where an intimate examination is to take place. See Chaperone Policy.
  • Clinical staff will be sensitive to the needs of the individual and will ensure that they are comfortable in complying with any requests that may cause embarrassment.
  • Patients will be afforded as much time and privacy as is required to recover from the delivery of “bad news”, and the clinical staff will, where possible, anticipate this need and arrange appointments accordingly.
  • Patients will be able to dress and undress privately in a treatment room, or, where a separate treatment room is not available, a screen will be provided for that purpose, and will be afforded sufficient time to do so. Patients using this facility will be requested to advise the clinician when they are ready to be seen.
  • A clean single-use blanket, sheet, gown or similar will be available in each examination / treatment room, changed after each patient, and the patient will be advised of its availability.
  • Washing facilities will be offered to the patient if required.
  • Clinicians and staff will allow “personal space” where possible.
  • Patients will be given adequate opportunity, time and privacy for the provision of samples on the premises.
  • Patients with difficulty in understanding, due to language, may have a family member or friend available to interpret or assist. They also have the option of being referred to an interpreter service.
  • Communication by staff to patients will be tailored to the needs of the individual patient (e.g. those with speech difficulties, hearing, or learning difficulties may need an individual approach and external referral for help).
  • Where an intimate examination is considered necessary for a patient with difficulty in understanding (e.g. due to language, consent or cultural issues), it is recommended that a chaperone or family member / carer should always be present.
  • Areas used by patients for dressing / undressing will be secure from interruption (i.e. there will be no unlocked door to either a corridor or to any room not occupied by the clinician attending that patient).
  • Patients who may have difficulty in undressing may be offered the services of a second (same gender) clinician or trained chaperone to assist.
  • Patients will be requested to only remove the minimum clothing necessary for the examination.
  • Consultations in the patient’s home will be sensitive to the location and any other persons who may be present or may overhear.

Post–consultation and Information Handling

  • Clinicians and staff will respect the dignity of patients and the importance of keeping confidential information private and secure. They will not discuss issues arising from any consultation, unless in a confidential clinical setting appropriate to the care of the patient.

Page published: 24 October 2024
Last updated: 6 December 2024