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Minor surgery vasectomy feedback

Minor Surgery Vasectomy Feedback Survey



How long did you wait between being referred and having the procedure done? *
How easy was it to book your appointment? *
How do you rate the parking facilities at the surgery? *
How close to your appointment time were you seen? *
How well was the procedure explained to you? *

Please rate any pain or discomfort you experienced using the following descriptions

During the procedure: *
After the procedure: *
Overall, how would you rate the service you received? *

As I’m sure you are aware, difficult decisions need to be made about what the NHS can pay for. Money spent on one NHS service is money that cannot be spent on another NHS service. At the moment there is no NHS funding available in West Berkshire.

Some people believe vasectomy should remain “free” to all patients. Other people believe the money spent on vasectomy should be diverted to treatment for ill patients.

Loddon Vale Surgical Unit do not have a strong opinion on this question, as we would be paid the same for providing vasectomy in either case. The difference being the patient would pay us rather than the NHS. This question is purely for research purposes, we are not looking for a particular response.

Please indicate if you agree or disagree with the following statement: “I believe vasectomy is a service that patients should pay for themselves, allowing the NHS to spend money on other NHS services.”